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Pets In Need

Coco, 4 yr. old Female Lab mix


We again find ourselves in the position of asking for your caring support - to help us replenish our medical fund for a gentle, 4 year old black Lab mix that, like another dog surrendered to us not so long ago, was the victim of sad neglect.


Coco was surrendered to Hi Tor because her family explained that they had no time for her.  She was described as a sweet family dog, housebroken, and well mannered.  Soon after her arrival, Coco was observed squatting often, but not urinating.  Her whining which was first thought to be a reaction to being left at the shelter, was clearly a sign of distress for another reason.  X-rays showed that Coco had over 100 stones in her bladder!  This poor dog was in this condition for a very long time.  Every attempt at urinating had to be painful and so uncomfortable -  straining, pushing, marking with no relief.  Yet, through it all, her tail still wagged with hope and her eyes still smiled at any kindness extended to her.


If you've ever cared for an animal, you know that they feel great emotion and pain.  We could not allow Coco to remain in the same condition as when she was surrendered to us.  So the decision was made to give Coco her chance for a happier, healthier future!  One look from her desperately hopeful eyes convinced us there was no alternative but to relieve her suffering and get her on her way to a better life than she had been living.


Because of the generous nature of Hi Tor's supporters from the past, Coco got the medical care she desperately needed.  Her surgery cost us $2,000.  Kindly help us replenish our medical fund by sending your most generous gift so that we will be able to continue to help the next unfortunate pets that arrive in desperate condition to Hi Tor.


Please make a donation safely and securely through Paypal today to help us offset the cost of Coco's surgery.  Thank you for your support!

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