General Information
Donations may be brought to the shelter during normal business hours.
Due to limited resources and time we are generally not able to pick up donations.
If you have items to donate that do not appear here and would like to verify that they will be put to good use at the shelter, please feel free to call or e-mail us at info@hitor.org.
Wish List

Top Needs:
Science Diet Kitten Healthy Growth
Science Diet Feline Adult Optimal Care
Science Diet Puppy Healthy Growth
Science Diet Canine Adult Advanced Fitness
Canned Cat Food (Cat & Kitten)
Cat Litter (Non-clumping)
Blankets, Sheets, Towels
Clorox Wipes
Garbage Cans (30-40 gal), heavy duty w/ wheels
Trash bags (13 & 30 gal)
Young Hi Tor supporters dropping off donations of pet food

Facility Care
Click the link below to view our wish list of items for the lobby, office and work areas at the shelter.

Shop From Home
Click the link below to view our online wish list and have items shipped directly to the shelter!